Photo Program


Please be informed that it’s MANDATORY to register for our Photo Workshops. Send us an email or call us to register.

During our workshops, we will teach you a number of aspects relating to photography including the following: use of manual settings, dealing with shifting light in an uncontrolled environment, working fast with unpredictable subjects, using simple field techniques in natural and urban settings.

We’ll encourage shooting “outside the box”, being creative and thinking differently.

Handouts will be provided for most of the workshops.

A follow-up critique through email by Nina will be provided after each workshop.

In summary, we will help you to become a better photographic artist.

Equipment you will need for these workshops:

  • Any digital camera/DSLR camera with a telephoto and a wide-angle lens, or zoom lens equivalent. Also, photo enthusiasts with smaller cameras, mirror-less, non-DSLRs, point & shoot/Bridge Cameras will also benefit from our workshops.
  • Tripod or some sort of camera support, especially for night/indoor photography.
  • Cable release or remote control, especially for night/indoor photography.
  • A pop-up or external flash will come in handy
  • Rain protection for the camera

2024 Tours & Workshops

Do you want a Local private or semi-private photo session? Not a problem at all and we’ll gladly arrange that for you. Topics can be anything from landscape to wildlife, including safari parks like Parc Omega in Quebec. A private session for photography is $150, HST included and lasts for 2-3 hours depending on topic.

A full day private photo outing to for example to Amherst Island or Algonquin Park is $300 per person per day, DVP/ferry, accommodation, transportation and food not included. NOTE: if your session can take 3 participants (you included), the price will be cheaper. We might be able to find a person or two to join your photo outing. Contact us for more info.

An indoor private session, for example, a portrait session with the use of lamps and backdrops is $300, HST included. 

Transport, food, accommodation, park entrance fees etc are not included in the price. Contact us at [email protected] for any inquiries, questions or bookings.

We’ll encourage shooting “outside the box”, being creative and thinking differently.

Handouts will be provided for most of the workshops.

A follow-up critique through email by Nina will be provided after each workshop.

In summary, we will help you to become a better photographic artist.


1) Upon request: Zoom photo editing sessions

Time: We agree to a date & time that suits us both – $85.00 per person HST incl.

Contact Nina at [email protected] to set up a date & time for a two hour long Zoom photo editing session. Nina will have prepared a session uniquely tailored to your needs and will demonstrate in a one-on-one setting how to professionally make an edit to an image – this can be wildlife, pets, people, landscapes etc. The session will be recorded and the student will have access to the recording for two weeks to maximize the training. The student will need Adobe CC with Bridge, Camera Raw and Photoshop. We also recommend getting the NIK Collection Plug-in for more creative editing. For any questions, please contact us.

2) Saturday-Sunday, June 8 & 9: Overnight to Algonquin Park

Time: 6 am – Meet at the Carp Park-n-Ride – Carp Road at Hwy 417 – – $275.00 per person HST incl.

Algonquin Park is famous for its extensive northern forest habitats. Its large stands of spruce and pine often attract a variety of songbirds and raptors. It also harbours several northern residents that are considered rare in the Ottawa area. We’ll look for Gray Jays, Spruce Grouse, Evening Grosbeak and Black-backed Woodpecker. Interesting migratory nesters include Olive-sided Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher and a variety of warblers like Bay-breasted, Cape May, Canada, Mourning and Northern Parula. By early June, the breeding season is well under way in Algonquin. A mixture of large lakes, boggy wetlands, boreal and hardwood forests, this is Ontario’s most accessible northern wilderness. On the lakes, we should see and hear Common Loons while mergansers, Ring-necked Ducks, Beaver, River Otter, Black Bear and Moose lurk nearby. Meanwhile, warblers, thrushes, vireos, tanager and other furtive songbirds will sing their territorial songs. Some will be on nests, while others will already have young. From our starting point, we head straight for the park, spending a few hours exploring the east side before we have lunch somewhere in the park. We check into our hotel (Whitney, Ont.) just outside the East Gate in late afternoon. We will have an early dinner, then back into the park for dusk. If conditions are good, we will stay and listen for owls, woodcock, and maybe even wolves. The following morning, we go into the park immediately after breakfast. We will spend the entire day there, hiking some of the leisurely trails, leaving the park around 5:30pm. We can expect to be back home around 8:30 – 9:00pm. Book your accommodation now! Registration is to [email protected]

3) Saturday, June 22: Purdon Fen, Showy Lady’s Slippers – Cancelled!

Time: 7:30 am to noon – Meet at the Carp Park-n-Ride – Carp Road at Hwy 417 – – $95.00 per person HST incl.

The blooms are finsihed due to the heat. This outing is cancelled. The Purdon Conservation Area was created to preserve Canada’s largest colony of Showy Lady’s Slipper. At its peak, this spectacular pink & white orchid thrives in this unique Cedar swamp, sometimes blooms will flourish in the thousands. Hopefully, conditions will warrant countless photo opportunities. We will cover topics like maximizing sharpness, composition and aesthetics in Nature Photography. Other bog flowers also exist here including Pitcher Plant, Twin Flower and Sundew. We also hope to encounter a variety of frogs and birds. The surrounding area will ring with the chorus of birds on territory including several species of warblers, Indigo Bunting, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and Scarlet Tanager. Past trips have had Yellow-billed and Black-billed Cuckoos. Sometimes we encounter mammals like Porcupine and Red Fox. Registration is to [email protected]

Please join our “Photo & Birding Club” on Facebook: Always An Adventure Inc Photo & Birding Club!
Contact us for more information at [email protected]

Field Trip Guidelines & Useful Info:

  • Note that customers of Always an Adventure Inc. are responsible for making their own arrangements for accommodation, transportation and payments for such arrangements is at their own expense.
  • Transportation will be by personal vehicle. Due to Covid, we do not encourage carpooling.
  • All transportation costs, ferry costs, park fees, food, accommodation and refreshments are not included in the price.
  • During times of hot weather, insect repellent and sunscreen lotion come in handy.
  • It’s mandatory to register for our photo workshops. Register by email
  • Payment is by cheque, PayPal or e-Transfer. Make cheque payable to “Always An Adventure Inc” and contact us for payment by PayPal. We prefer payments by eTransfer.
  • Always An Adventure Inc. is not to be held liable for any unforeseen circumstances that might arise during workshops and all participants must sign a liability, damage and injury release waiver.
  • Always An Adventure Inc. expects all participants to follow local Covid guidelines at all times.
  • participants must accept and sign the Always An Adventure Inc. trip waiver to join our overnight trips

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